The U.S. healthcare system is facing a Silver Tsunami. Every year 19 million older adults in the U.S. have a procedure and 4 million of these are high-risk major operations.
Our Solution
Prehabilitation helps patients prepare their body, home, and mind before surgery. Ooney's scalable, stand-alone product, PrehabPal, optimizes patents without adding burden to clinical staff.
The Results
Our products can aid patients and providers in avoiding costly and dangerous complications following surgery, resulting in significant savings and improved patient satisfaction.
Why we do it
The science is clear—prehabilitation programs get patients home faster and save healthcare systems millions of dollars annually. This is increasingly important as the number of elderly in the U.S. and worldwide rise dramatically.
“Prehabpal was a huge benefit both for the surgery and after. The bedroll and sit-stand exercise has been huge in allowing me to get in and out of bed and sit in a chair with minimal strain on my incisions. I feel I am way ahead of where I would have been without this program.”
UCSF Clinical Trial Patient
“I really liked the multi level approach of physical & mental preparation.”
UCSF Clinical Trial Patient
“I was a little skeptical of how the exercises would help. After surgery there were things which were more difficult to do than I expected. The exercises helped”